Being an Usher at HHC is a multi-faceted job. There are several things that an Usher is responsible for.
You should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to service starting (most Sunday's that arrival time would be about 9:30).
Before service, make sure that you are familiar with all upcoming activities, should someone have a question and the Connect Desk and Greeters are with other visitors. You will also assist, those who need it, with the electric chair, up/down stairs, or to their seats as needed.
You should make sure that offering buckets are out and ready for use. One should be placed on the platform near the front monitor, and the others back at the Usher seats. Pastor Ryan will assist with offering as needed. ***Please note that confidentiality is of the utmost importance when dealing with the offering/tithes. No information should leave the office.***
After offering, Ushers should walk through the church for security purposes. Check doors, flush toilets if needed, make sure that everything is ok.
During service Ushers are responsible for any late visitors that may come in, escorting them to where they need to be.
After service, Ushers will go through the building once more, checking doors, emptying trash and putting in bins outside, and making sure everything is secure.
Pastor Ryan will provide you with a very detailed position description upon volunteering as an Usher.
Remember, serving as a volunteer for Hearts Harvest is not something that you have to do, it is something that you get to do. You GET to serve God in the capacity as a volunteer for Hearts Harvest. So, keep smiling and serving God, while helping others.